The Management of GreenArrays, Inc.

Board of Directors

Our company is governed by a four-member Board of Directors that serves at the pleasure of our stockholders.

Board of Advisors

We are determined to obtain the advice of people with extensive experience in the semiconductor industry as well as in many other areas. The company is pleased to have the assistance of a Board of Advisors whose members have earned the respect of our principals, often over a period of decades.

Corporate Officers

Corporate Officers are answerable to the Board of Directors.

Our company is small, lean, aggressive and multidisciplinary. It is typical, for example, that our silicon designers are also circuit designers and/or programmers. In addition to their corporate duties, Chuck Moore and each of our four Officers roll up their sleeves and work in the trenches, "leading from the front" alongside the other 13 core team members and several dedicated consultants to bring our plans to successful conclusion.